Four Essential Question To Ask Your Luxury London Property Agent

Luxury Property

More often than not, when and where a luxury property buyer investing in the capital ends up with a deal they wish they hadn’t made, it all comes down to one big mistake made long before the deal was closed. The fact that quality of the property agent you choose matters with housing transactions at all levels. To avail of the best UK luxury property for sale, it is mandatory to choose the right agent when looking to invest in a multi-million-pound property at the very highest end of the market.

According to the experts at, quite simply the biggest and most common mistake made by luxury property buyers is that of falling into the assumption that all property agents working at this level are of the same standard. They deal in multi-million pound properties, they list extraordinary homes for sale and they have an attractive looking website – all boxes therefore appear to be ticked. Unfortunately things are not quite as simple as this as it is now easier than ever before for anyone wishing to do so to quickly throw together a website and set up shop as a property agent in the hope of scoring huge commissions without actually having a clue what they are doing.

Of course it is comparably rare to be stung by such ‘agents’, but in order to ensure that you yourself do not become one of the more unfortunate statistics, the following four questions should be asked in order to clarify the reality of things:

How Long Have You Been In Business?

First and foremost, the luxury real estate industry in and around London is not the kind of thing you can just dive into even with a head full of knowledge and the willingness to work hard. Success is something that will only ever come to those with an abundance of experience – those who have put their skills and knowledge to the test in a real world scenario. As such, one of the first things you should be looking to ask your property agent is how long they have been in business in this particular area. It’s one thing to have been in real estate for a great many years, but if they have only just made the move to both exclusive property transactions and property sales in London, they may not necessarily be the best agent.

Where Else Do You Work in Luxury Property?

To be frank this is something of a trick question as when you are looking to either invest in exclusive property in London or sell a multi-million pound property, the only acceptable agent is the agent who works exclusively in and around London.  The simple fact of the matter is that in order to become an outstanding luxury property agent in London, the necessary research and real time monitoring of all market conditions and fluctuations is nothing less than a fulltime job. It is simply impossible for any agent at any level to be able to comprehensively track and work with the London property market alongside other markets elsewhere in the United Kingdom. So if they are not dedicated to London property sales and purchases, they are not the agent for you.

How Will You Market/Search For My Property?

Always be sure to ask your agent to lay it on the line when it comes to exactly how they will go about the search process for the property of your dreams, or how they will market the property you are looking to sell. This is of crucial importance as the very best agents on the market will utilise an abundance of exclusive and prestigious connections across London and beyond as to simply advertise these kinds of properties in the conventional manner is technically unacceptable. Many of London’s most exclusive and desirable property transactions happen without the respective properties having ever been advertised on the market and listed publicly.  As such, whether you are buying or selling, your agent needs to know exactly how to reach out through the most effective channels available.

Tell Me About Your Past Successes

Last but not least, it is never a bad idea to ask your prospective agent to give you something of an overall insight into what it is they do and how successful they have been in the past with clients similar to you. If they have an abundance of success stories and a long-term track record of excellence, there’s really no reason why they should not be willing to share at least a few reassuring case studies with you. If however they are reluctant to in any way divulge any details of their successes to date, this should be interpreted as something of a warning sign.

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