Getting Your Building Inspected Before Selling Is Important

Building Inspected

Real estate investors, agents, sellers, and buyers all agree on the fact that getting a building, home or commercial property inspected is crucial. Yet, instances often surface where the seller of a property refrains from getting their building inspected before putting it up for sale in the market.

Exceptional Building Inspections, one of the leading inspection service providers in the sector think that the first consideration of a buyer when they are looking at a property is whether the same has any issues with it. In such a situation, it is best for a seller to consult with a professional team of property inspectors. The professionals will walk through the different part of the property. They will make sure that the property is free from safety issues like:

  • Faulty plumbing
  • Issues with the electrical system
  • Whether or not critical systems of the home/commercial property like HVAC are in their prime working condition
  • Make sure that the roof and foundation of the building are free from any damage
  • Ensure that the structural integrity of the property is intact or not.

That being said, here are a few reasons that substantiate why you should get your building inspected before selling it:

Say goodbye to a deal going sour with pre-sale building inspections

When you are the seller and you have not carried out your own pre-sale inspection of your property, chances are really high that either the buyer will back out readily or call upon a property inspector at their own expense. Both the situations are working against you and can lead to a lot of stress.

In case the deal goes sour at the beginning itself, you are left with a property that needs to be re-enlisted in the market. If your property gets inspected by the property inspector hired by the buyer, if there is an issue with the property, word will spread like wildfire leading to a bad reputation for your property in the market. Opt for pre-inspection of your property at your cost and before you put it up on the market for best results.

It will help you in getting the desired price for your property

In case you haven’t got your home pre-inspected and the buyer still wants to go ahead with the deal, it is not enough for you to rest assured as you are not out of the woods yet. Instead of calling a property inspector, what if the buyer himself goes on a fault-finding spree in your property? What if they come up with issues that need immediate repairing in your property? You are already losing out on your impression as a property owner. On top of that, the buyer will negotiate heavily with you about the price of your property – citing repair works and future damage control as reasons. In all the scenarios mentioned above, you are on the losing end.

It is clear from the two reasons mentioned in the earlier sections that one should always consider getting their property pre-inspected before putting it up in the market, as it let you alone show it to the prospective buyer. On top of that, in some states, it is illegal for a seller to put up a property for sale in the market without getting the same inspected. So, to be on the favorable side of the law it is better to call professional property inspectors today.

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