Modern Wall Decoration Trend

Modern Wall

Currently, the space is decorated in sight with different graphs. Comics, pop art, and even photographs offer countless forms of delivery. Huge pictures may take up wall space so there is no need for other works of art. When planning a mural painting, remember that images can be dominant and around them a free space, and strong, modern design.

The drawing can be displayed on a wall, for instance by using a projector. Project the image onto the wall and lift the external outline with a pencil or directly to Paint a contour brush. This will require different-sized brushes and a small roller. The smaller the paint brush, the more accurate and more similar to the sketch is the result. Once the outline is marked by major pattern of the interior painting with a small roller.

If the article is relatively small, sketch-like paintings can be created using a stencil painting techniques. Cut out the pattern of plastic sheeting or even paper if you create only one topic. Apply varnish on both sides of the cut-out to stencil neuzrullētos up when the paint is applied. Attach the stencil with adhesive or masking tape. Apply the paint with a tapping machine or nearly dry mohair roller. Apply the paint slightly better for a lot less than, as paint can penetrate beneath the edges of the stencil. If the motive is ultimately too clear, easy to treat it again.

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